Sunday, February 6, 2011

First Blog

So this is my first blog, as you can also take it, my name is Simon, and what I will be doing is going though a game I'm make using RPG Maker Xp. The name of said game is An Ending:The War. I plan at the moment to make this a three, maybe four game series. That might seem a little long right now, but there's a lot I want to cover in this, and I can't really see it working as one game.

I am using RPG Maker Xp, because I find it to be the easiest to work with in terms of not having the game repetitive, as I think it would be if I used the newer version RPG Maker Vx, which while has some very nice and shiny features, the tile sets are not as mailable and you are limited to a set amount of tiles that can be used.

As I go though the process of making the first(and possibly second, third and maybe even a fourth) I will, post screen shots of what I've done and every so often I may link to a Demo, and when its finally done and ready to play the whole way though, I will put it up here for everyone who follows me(if anyone ever does) to play.

Also if you have any questions please feel free to send me a message of some sort, if you have anything you might like to add, or have any graphics, scripts, icons, music, you know whatever that you think might be helpful, let me know.

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